Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Argentine identity crisis

In my interview with David Rotemberg an Argentine comedian, he was explaining to me why Argentinians believe that Argentina is the Europe of Latin America. According to him, Argentinians have an internal conflict because Argentina is a wanna be or fake first world country. The following is a discussion between two Argentines as to how Argentina can stop being third world and finally get into the first world club:

Argentine 1: Como podemos ingresar al primer mundo? How can we get into the first world

Argentine 2: Alemania les hizo una guerra a los EEUU y perdió ahora son una potencia. Japón les hizo una guerra a los EEUU y perdió son una potencia, hagamos una guerra a los EEUU.
Germany went to war with the USA and lost and now they are a world power. Japan went to war with the USA and lost and now they are a world power. Lets go to war with the USA!

- Dale... Che..y si ganamos? Sure dude...ahh and if we win?


Anonymous said...

SO where does that leave Iraq?

Anonymous said...

Hola, Danielle. Estuve leyendo tu blog y me encantaron tus notas.
Una sola corrección en este chiste mío: cuando dice "dale! Che... Y si ganamos?" la traducción sería "sure, dude! But... what if we win?".
El resto, perfecto! Saludos