Friday, July 02, 2010

Andean Solidarity: My favourite quotes of the week

My Quechua teacher Hilda has the special gift of speaking matter-of-factly and authoritatively about everything. Here are a few comments she made to my friend Anna from Whales:

1. Hilda's response to Ana when her camera was stolen:
You know, the person that stole your camera was definitely from Peru because... [insert nodding head and matter-of-fact facial expression here] there are no thieves in Bolivia.
All the thieves here are from Peru.

2. Hilda on a student who lived with her to learn Quechua:
He was gay but he was a lovely guy. Actually, he was from Peru. You know... There are no gay people in Bolivia.
All the gay people are Peruvian.

3. (Last but certainly not least) Anna to Hilda: What's the word for "midget" [or little person] in Spanish?
Hilda: "Enano". But you know... There are no midgets in Bolivia.
Midgets are from Peru

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