Tuesday, November 14, 2006

La Recoleta: Argentina a Friend from the past

Ok so the number one, must see site in Buenos Aires is La Recoleta. It is a cemetery where all the rich upper class people bury their dead and the graves are like apartment buildings. The thing to do is to walk through the cemetery and to find Evita Peron's grave. Now it is indeed a site to see but I have to be honest and tell you that I don't know how I feel about going to see dead people as part of enjoying Argentina. It also weirds me out that Argentines are so proud of it, its like, "Welcome to Argentina, come check out our dead people!" But since thats the thing to do I checked it out and you won't believe whose grave was at the entrance...look for yourself:

Photographer: Danielle Roper

Guess Luz Maria never made it back to Guatemala after all.

(Please read my previous post Guatemalan Hospitality to understand this post)

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